
Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

How ya doin?

Wassup dudes!
I realized I haven't posted anything on this blog since, what, last month? It was because I was so busy with school stuff like exam.. And now that I'm having a school break it means I'm having my own fun (which causes minimum using of internet, really, except from phone) like reading and watching endlessly and writing.
Now that any of you wants to know much, actually.
So I've decided to just, you know, write ramblings or rants or whatnots here, nothing serious, because this whole  blogging project given from Ms.Heny has ended. But I actually want to start making my own book blog (which I found really interesting and useful in the future), so in that book blog I'll write reviews of books and movies that I've watched after and hopefully if I can, way before I started it, and I want to write religiously.


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