我叫雪月, 我想告诉你 about 我的希望.Kalau ditanya tentang akan jadi apa saya nanti, jawabannya cuma satu: penulis. Menulis adalah salah satu dari beberapa kegiatan yang saya sangat sukai, dan saya ingin nantinya pekerjaan saya hanya menulis, menulis dan menulis.
Saya ingin menjadi penulis novel, cerpen, atau skenario. Untuk menjadi penulis profesional, sebenarnya tidak butuh pendidikan khusus, hanya giat berlatih dan rajin memebaca, voila, kamu bisa menulis dengan benar. Tapi kalau mau serius, jurusan Creative Writing juga sudah banyak tersebar di benua Eropa dan Amerika.
Di Indonesia sendiri ada universitas yang menyediakan pendidikan Jurnalistik sebagai jurusannya, yaitu Universitas Multimedia Nusantara yang berlokasi di Serpong, Jakarta. Jika memungkinkan, saya akan kuliah di situ nanti. Setelah lulus, saya bisa bekerja di koran/majalah sebagai jurnalis, sambil tetap mempertahankan idealisme saya dengan terus menulis cerita fiksi.
But if I couldn't get into UMN (or if I couldn't leave my family in Bali), I would take Psychology in Udayana University in Bali. I've had a passion of learning about people for long, and I also want to study more about mental behaviour and syndromes. Even though being a psychologist is not my priority now (and to be honest I don't have nothing in mind about what to do if I graduate as a psychologist), it's something that interests me the most, too. And the lesson I learn in college would be useful when I write novels because I have to deepen the characters in my story, so my characters would be understandable and real.
There are also a lot of plans in my mind that aren't even related to my future jobs. I want to own a little bookstore with a cafe in front of it, with me as a cook. It would feel great if I own it because I like reading so much and I love eating (and cooking) almost as much as I love reading.
I want to own a publishing or a magazine company too. I don't have a strong reason why.
And last, I really really want to build a school for special needs children. As what I see, school for special needs children are hard to find, with teacher and curriculum that I feel are not really good.
Selasa, 03 Mei 2011
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