
Rabu, 05 September 2012

Pura Besakih

Pura Besakih yang bertempat di Desa Besakih, Kecamatan Rendang Kabupaten Karangasem, Bali ini merupakan salah satu dari sekian Situs Warisan Dunia di Indonesia. Pada awalnya, sebelum akhirnya terbangun Pura, desa Besakih hanyalah kawasan hutan belantara. Barulah ketika dahulu kala, seorang pria bernama Sang Yogi Markandeya mendengar tentang daerah ini, keadaan itu berubah.

Sang Yogi Markandeya merupakan seseorang yang sangat suka bersemedi. Beliau mulanya bertapa di daerah Jawa, tepatnya di Gunung Demulung, lalu pindah ke gunung Hyang (Dieng di Jawa Tengah). Sesudah beberapa lama beliau bertapa di sana ada sabda dari Hyang Widhi, beliau diberitahukan agar bersama pengikutnya merabas hutan di pulau Dawa (yang nantinya menjadi tempat dibangunnya Pura Besakih) dan setelah selesai tanah itu dibagi-bagikan kepada pengikutnya. Lalu dimulailah perjalanan ke Pulau Dawa dan upaya penebangan hutan itu. Akan tetapi, karena upaya ini dilakukan tanpa diawali dengan upakara (yadnya), Hyang Widhi pun marah. Para pengikut Sang Yogi banyak yang sakit dan bahkan meninggal dunia serta ada yang dimangsa binatang buas. Oleh karena itu, Sang Yogi memerintahkan pengikutnya menghentikan perabasan hutan. Sang Yogi kembali ke tmpat pertapaannya dihinggapi rasa sedih dan prihatin.

Selang beberapa lama, akhirnya timbul keinginan beliau untuk memulai usahanya yang kedua untuk merabas hutan di Pulau Dawa. Kali ini, pengikut beliau jauh lebih banyak – tak tanggung-tanggung, ada 4000 orang. Perjalanan beliau pun berjalan dengan lancar, tanpa halangan. Wilayah-wilayah Pulau Dawa terbagi dengan rata, yang oleh pengikut-pengikutnya dijadikan sebagai sawah, tegalan atau pekarangan rumah.

Di tempat bekas dimulainya perabasan itu, Sang Yogi menanam kendi berisi air disertai 5 jenis logam yaitu emas, perak, tembaga, besi dan perunggu serta permata yang disebut Mirahadi dengan sarana upakara selengkapnya dengan diperciki Tirta Pengentas. Tempat ditanamnya kendi itu lalu dinamakan Basuki. Basuki artinya selamat, di mana Sang Yogi dan pengikutnya berhasil dan selamat dalam perabasan hutan tanpa halangan sedikitpun. Dalam perkembangannya Basuki menjadi Besakih.

Kini, Pura Besakih menjadi pusat keagamaan umat Hindu di Bali, sekaligus salah satu objek wisata favorit. Keindahan pemandangan di sekitar Pura Besakih, sekaligus keasriannya yang terjaga, menjadi nilai tambah pura ini. Di sekitar kawasan pura, ada banyak sekali tumbuhan yang ditanam, dari bunga-bungaan, buah-buahan, hingga pepohonan yang ikut membantu memelihara kesegaran udara di desa. Contohnya seperti bunga jepun (Nerium oleander L,), kembang kertas (Bougainvillea spectablis), jeruk (Citrus sinensis, manggis (Gabcinia mangostana), dan beringin (Ficus benjamina).

I'm Baaaaaaaack!


I haven't been updating this blog for so long, I can't even remember. I even almost forgot the password for this blog! I went through my old blog posts, and I laughed a lot. I can't believe I wrote them! But after that, I sort of miss writing in this blog. This blog is really different than all the other sites I have (geez, I just realised I handle too many websites! Well, I'm being anonymous in some of those websites, but still), and I really think I should keep this blog alive.

And by the way, I really did make that book blog I brought up in previous posts. It's called Bibliophlic Bipolar, and it's been really fun writing in that blog. There, I post reviews, random articles about books, challenge, almost anything related to literature. It has its own audience, even though it's not that much. Like I said, this book has been really useful because I can meet a lot great people and be friends with them. Now, reading books is no longer a passive experience, because I can say what I like about that book and what I don't, so people who also read that book can say what they think and that way, discussion opens.

I hope Speedy can help me write more on this blog by working like what the company named it after. My modem has been acting up for so long, I'm starting to think my English teacher taught me wrong about the meaning of "Speedy".

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011


Below is the list of books that I'm fully willing to swap:

The Lost World (Michael Crichton) - not really in a good condition
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket (Edgar Allan Poe) - acceptable
Things I Want My Daughters To Know (Elizabeth Noble) - like new
Where I'm Calling From (Raymond Carver) - good
Love The One You're With ( Emily Giffin) - like new
War Reporting For Cowards (Chris Ayres) - good

Next (Michael Crichton) - like new
Let The Right One In (John Ajvide Lindqvist) - like new
Vanishing Acts - (Jodi Picoult) - like new
The Alison Rules (Catherine Clark) - like new
Forrest Gump (Winston Groom) - acceptable

Pillow Talk (Christian Simamora) - like new
Dia (Nonier) - good
Konser (Meiliana K. Tansri) - good
Melodia (Keshia Deisra) - like new

Anyone that interested could inform me through email

How ya doin?

Wassup dudes!
I realized I haven't posted anything on this blog since, what, last month? It was because I was so busy with school stuff like exam.. And now that I'm having a school break it means I'm having my own fun (which causes minimum using of internet, really, except from phone) like reading and watching endlessly and writing.
Now that any of you wants to know much, actually.
So I've decided to just, you know, write ramblings or rants or whatnots here, nothing serious, because this whole  blogging project given from Ms.Heny has ended. But I actually want to start making my own book blog (which I found really interesting and useful in the future), so in that book blog I'll write reviews of books and movies that I've watched after and hopefully if I can, way before I started it, and I want to write religiously.

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

Double Happiness!

So. There are a few things that make me happy these days. Some of them were too random that I forgot what they were and why they made me happy, but I was and am happy anyway.

So. About two days ago, after we have ICT class, Ms.Heny came to Jo, Yoseph and I and told us to stay at the class for a while. I thought we were scolded from something I didn't really know, so my heart skipped a beat. But then, she told us that Ms.Joice had prepared something for us as a wage from teaching English for kindergarten kids all this while. We were overwhelmed, but then Ms.Heny said that the amount was not much, but the most important thing was we got this from what we had done. So, at first, Jo and I didn't put our hopes too high.

So, the four of us entered a class with Ms.Joice where there were a lot of kids studying there. I was so shocked by how responsive the kids were; they waved their hands, they cheered, they called out, "Cece! Koko!" I thought they forgot us. I almost shed tears.

So, we stood in front of the class and some of the kids shook hands with us and thanked us and gave us the envelope. Then we took pictures and pictures. I was so happy. When we got outside, I was shocked again; the money was a lot more than Jo and I predicted! So we where happy. I even somersaulted through the hall.

So anyway, I don't really know the reason why I use a lot of 'So's in this post, but I just want you all to know that I am happy. Because when things that I don't expect to happen eventually happens, and they make me happy, it makes me wonder; life is always surprising, it won't let you feel low and down all the time.
So, have a good day!

Where on Earth have I been?

am so sorry for not posting for such a long time, because:
1. I am not able to turn on my computer because my parents accused me of staying late for browsing, which makes me sick like this;
2. I am sick most of the nights so I just lay on my bed after 9 PM.
Really, it's not like I'm having a massive headache or a dengue fever or typhus -- I'm just having a sore throat and a stomache and a flu, that's all. But if it's all combined, imagine the feeling.

Blogger Down

Hih, kesel banget Blogger ga bisa dibuka seharian kemaren. Refresh beratus-ratus kali tetep juga ga bisa kebuka. Upload lewat email, dibalesnya postnya harus kepending.
Trus tadi liat blog temen-temen semua pada ngalamin yang sama ternyata. Syukurlah.